"Walking around looking for a way, but no one tells me which way to go. Caught up in a world, a labyrinth, a maze. Where yes Men can easily be known. I ask them no questions; they give me no answers. Following the wise, but they're walking in pampers. Give me a cigarette, smoking my cancer. Drink the pain away but I still have no answer. I'm lost on a road." -Gorilla Zoe "Lost"

Nov 29, 2010

Can you see the hurt in her Eyes?

She smiles (Fake)
She laughs (Fake)
She walks with her head held high... (Fake)

The only thing real about her is what no one seems to notice:

The Hurt.

It's written all over her face: hurt that can't be taken away. Can't be misplaced.

She may be clothed in the finest linen money can buy but her eyes: they cannot--must not--tell lies...

They leave her naked; they leave her bare.

Dark pools of desolation. No where to run. No where to hide.

Only she is there.

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