"Walking around looking for a way, but no one tells me which way to go. Caught up in a world, a labyrinth, a maze. Where yes Men can easily be known. I ask them no questions; they give me no answers. Following the wise, but they're walking in pampers. Give me a cigarette, smoking my cancer. Drink the pain away but I still have no answer. I'm lost on a road." -Gorilla Zoe "Lost"

Dec 11, 2010


I said goodbye to my sixteen year old cousin today. He was just a child; a baby. Barely old enough to compute the realities of life, but all to familiar with them at the same time. I loved and LOVE him dearly. I just want my cousin back.

I love you Andrew Jacob Flores.

Dec 10, 2010


Just letters strewn together
Simple letters
(There are twenty six of them in the English alphabet)
But together they form hundreds of thousands of

Simple Words.
Words like

Words that you ignored
A word You created for Her.
The Day You took from Her.
Violating Her in the worse possible way.

Turning her cold.
Her beauty encased in ice.
Her smile dim.
Her eyes black, lifeless.
A shell of who once was...
Please. Don't. Stop.

Words turning to silence.
Her pleas falling on deaf ears.
Her sobs going unnoticed
Blocked by unrequited lust

Words she won't speak.
Words she can't speak.
They make her feel inferior.
Wrong. Dirty.
As if it was her fault.

Just letters.
Strewn together.

Dec 4, 2010

"He who without sin..."

If you don't know me:

Don't judge me.
I'm not an open book.
I don't enjoy being labeled.
Who are you anyways?

Dec 3, 2010

Uncovering Me?

My family and I couldn't be more different if we tried. I try to fit in with them, but to no avail. I don't do drugs, I don't drink, and I could care less for the "thug life" they seem so keen in perpetrating. My mom tells me I don't speak English, and I'm pretty sure five sentences into "how was your day" she stops paying attention to me. I'm on the path of right, but why do I feel I'm wrong? I just want to fit in. I've never fit in. Even in groups where I've had a place, my fit has never been an exact science. I don't pride myself on being a misfit, but...it's just something that comes naturally.

My place or rank, I suppose, as misfit leads me to wonder why: People think that they can read me.

Most would be shocked to know a few facts:

1. I'm the child of a black man and white woman.

Granted the year of my birth isn't as controversial as perhaps...a mixed child in the 60's, but I'm still somewhat of a taboo. A zebra can't change it's strips and a mixed children can't change their color. I've been called a Nigger, a Kike, and short. Between all three, the one that seems to most upset me is short, why? Because the other two aren't in my vocabulary. In order to insult someone, know the definition of what you are saying. A nigger isn't something that pertains to color. Kike...now you better watch what you say. Remember, Jesus is a Jew.

2. I have a sister who I believe hates me.
My sister is a 35 year old woman. Her and my mother share an antagonistic relationship at best. Sissy, claims that Mom forgot about her when I came along. I'm the "golden Child". Boy Oh Boy..what I would give not to hear that title ever again.

3. Everyone I love dies.
This sounds very melodramatic and Emo, but let's break this down:
Age 1:My father is murdered.
Age6: My Uncle, second father, dies of a heart attack. I find his body. Yes--i'm being serious.
Age 4. (I was going consecutively): Uncle is murdered for drugs...
Age12: My Cousin Chris is murdered, for a jacket.
Age 17 (two weeks before I turn 18): My Uncle who i'd give the world to have back dies. He was a sick man, an alcoholic to be more specific, but a wonderful Man. I just wish I could have him back. I'd give the world to have him. I know I'm being repetitive, but I would.
Age 19: My Cousin Andrew is murdered, Chris's little brother. WHY a CHILD was murdered is beyond me, but...alas. No answers.

4. I wasn't born in heart-town Mississippi or the Land Of Oz. But in Michigan's own Hell's Kitchen: Detroit.

I could tell you stories about my childhood that'd make your skin crawl. Promise you that. Childhood is Pandora's box however, and I won't delve any further. My mind is already destroyed, no need to pour salt into old wounds. Just note: I wasn't abused, I wasn't molested or anything of that nature. However, a mother who didn't have a mother...doesn't quite know what to do with a child.

5. School--LEARNING--is my savoir.
I'm not anti religious, actually; I know little about religion but right now I only believe in knowledge. Perhaps Eve had a point in taking from the Tree of Knowledge?

6.I would rather be punched in the mouth then for someone to see me cry.

7. I cry more than I should; I don't think crying is entirely healthy either.

8. I don't try to be creepy, or dark, but...it comes naturally.

9. One of my best friends says that I'm to cute for my own good. I don't know If I like being cute.

10. I've physically mutilated myself. Why? I'm not entirely sure. I haven't done it in a while, nor do I plan on it. At the time, though, I wanted to control something and my own body was the best choice.

Something to smile about

Finally, something that can brighten my mood. Oh so lovely and interesting.


Nov 30, 2010


A false sense of start is enough to destroy the heart.

Nov 29, 2010

Can you see the hurt in her Eyes?

She smiles (Fake)
She laughs (Fake)
She walks with her head held high... (Fake)

The only thing real about her is what no one seems to notice:

The Hurt.

It's written all over her face: hurt that can't be taken away. Can't be misplaced.

She may be clothed in the finest linen money can buy but her eyes: they cannot--must not--tell lies...

They leave her naked; they leave her bare.

Dark pools of desolation. No where to run. No where to hide.

Only she is there.

You. Don't. Know. Jack.

I've never owned a diary. For some reason, I've always been the type to keep things clutched inside, tightly. I've always hidden myself from the world. I'm afraid. Of what, exactly? I'm not sure. Acceptance, rejection, dejection? I don't know. I don't know anything any more.

I've learned these last few years, that nothing is certain. You can't know anything for a hundred percent. It's impossible. Sure there is some mathematical law to my assertions, which are just that: Melancholy Observations made by a lost nineteen year old girl. There is always a chance that something--anything--can be off. A simple miscalculation of time, an undone button on a coat, an untied shoe lace.

Life is a web of intricacies; a delicate balance between knowledge and oblivion.

No one can know everything, but can someone know nothing?